Kev Cai

By: YaPo Cha

LEVEL: K-9 to K-12


This unit reflects a continuing effort to help Hmong students build cultural capital. It is designed to help hone Hmong students’ learning, collaboration and social skills. To stand up in front of a class and demonstrate an oral performance piece speaks volumes about a student’s confidence. Part of building cultural capital is to expand their knowledge and learn to value of their own culture and cultural practices. This unit introduces many cultural rituals and folklores to the students. The ability to be a contributing member of the Hmong community goes far beyond simple manual labor or material support. It takes cultural fluency in certain aspect of our cultural events, rituals and functions. Even chopping meat takes skills and knowledge.

Txiv Neej Hmoob

By: YaPo Cha

LEVEL: K-9 to K-12


This unit is a part of the Spring 2020 webinar series. A Hmong men’s responsibilities and cultural expectations among other things to help build confidence as a Hmong man. Teach students the basic knowledge to improve self-image and learn to become a more effective Hmong man. Learn to support and allow young Hmong boys to develop competency in being Hmong men.

Noj Peb Caug

By: Gwen Kong



The Hmong New Year is a very special time of the year. At the end of the harvest season and working all year long, everyone looks forward to feasting, dressing up in ones best clothes, and having a great time. The diaspora of the Hmong, has lead Hmong Americans to a new place. In this unit, students will gain an understanding of New Year practices in Laos and in the U.S., how these practices have changed over time, what elements are the same, and how individual families celebrate Noj Peb Caug.